Friday, November 2, 2007


Stamps Used: Journal Block, Angels Embracing, Shelter.

1 comment:

Misty said...

Sarah, I was delighted to receive your invitation to visit your blog spot. What an achievement, working with and for your family to fulfill your dreams! You have woven some magic using a cross section of images on your scrap layouts. They are so complementary to the 'story' you are depicting and no doubt, will encourage others to take advantage of the adaptability of not only the stamps themselves, but also the price - and especially when it is also possible (in certain cases) to choose to buy either a single image or a series of like images in a set. You already know how impressed I am that this adaptability also extends to the interaction of stamps across your extensive range, thus allowing for individual expression of ideas and feelings. Well done, I love the continuing "flavours" you are developing.